077: The Enneagram in Recovery with REALIFE Process Coach, Terri Johnson

I'm so excited for you to meet one of my dearest friends and our newest coach and team member at the REALIFE Process®, Terri Johnson.

Terri is an Intake Coordinator at a Substance Abuse Treatment Center. She has been an Addictions Counselor and brings years of experience to the team from the business field as well as she served as a Banker for Wells Fargo and also as a Bank Manager coaching coaches and facilitating corporate training.

As well as working in the recovery space, Terri is in recovery herself and has been sober for nine years. She has a beautiful story and on this episode shares:

  • Her journey from corporate success in Manhattan to being flat on her back learning to breathe again
  • The ways she's learned to live fully into her whole self through her 7-4-1 Harmony Triad
  • The value of keeping her recovery #1 through the practice of daily surrender 
  • How she leans into harmony through seasons like COVID-19

Through Terri's story, you'll hear once again how the Enneagram when applied in your REALIFE is a tool that can bring harmony and healing! It gives language to feelings, empathy, compassion, and offers ways to connect with our whole self–head, heart, and gut.

We're so excited to welcome Terri to the REALIFE Process team as a coach working with our REALIFE Process Facilitator Certification Program. With her life experience and passion for the Enneagram and the REALIFE Process, she'll bring extraordinary value to the team coaching others to facilitate the Process! 

REALIFE Resources: 

Are you ready to explore the FULL CIRCLE harmony of the Enneagram? Visit therealifeprocess.com and download our FREE Typing Guide or dive deeper with a REALIFE Enneagram Personality Profile Package. You'll have the option to upgrade and work with a REALIFE Process Coach to walk through your profile results too! 

After spending some time with us on the podcast, you may be ready to consider becoming a REALIFE Process Certified Facilitator in order to use the 4 Steps in the Process with clients you serve. If you'd like more information about the facilitator cohort that opens this fall, email me at [email protected], and let's set up a time to chat.

Check out these previous episodes mentioned on this week's podcast: 

Connect with your host, Teresa McCloy on:

About Teresa McCloy:

Teresa McCloy is the creator of the REALIFE Process®, an ACC Executive Coach, and an IEA Accredited Enneagram Professional who helps entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders discover and live out their best REALIFE! She has worked with clients from all over the world to help them bring clarity to their REALIFE and joy to their REALWORK!

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Enneagram in your REALIFE Typing Guide