091: Do You Really Know What You Value?

Do you know what you really value? Take a look at how you're spending your time and you'll catch a glimpse of what you're currently valuing. 

Are the things that are consuming your time, truly what you value? If not, it's time to take a pause and refocus your attention toward what matters most.

On this week's episode of the podcast, we'll explore:

  • The true definition of values 
  • The relationship between values and needs
  • How connecting your Enneagram type with your values leads to more intentional action
  • Practical ways to live out your values in REALIFE 

Knowing your needs and living out your values changes everything! Click here to download the FREE REALIFE Needs and Values Worksheet and start your exploration today! 

REALIFE Resources

If you're just getting started with discovering your Needs and Values, go back and listen to Episode 090: What Are Your Needs?

REALIFE Process® Virtual Retreats

If you're ready to do some deeper work with your Needs and Values and begin to apply that wisdom to your REALIFE, join us for the next REALIFE Process® Virtual Retreat this weekend on September 18 & 19.

We'll use an extensive Needs and Values Profile to help you gain greater awareness of your REALSELF and help you build in your Needs and Values to your own sustainable REALIFE Process® Modern Day Rule of Life!

Have a question for the podcast? 

Email us at [email protected] and we'll address your question on air! 

Connect with the REALIFE Process®:

Through the new podcast, we have opportunities for you to interact with our REALIFE Process® Team through– 

  • Community
  • Content
    • Watch for worksheets, handouts, and amazing guests
  • Coaching
    • Submit a question you'd like to receive coaching around and we'll be in touch with you at [email protected]

Connect with your host, Teresa McCloy on:

About Teresa McCloy:

Teresa McCloy is the creator of the REALIFE Process®, an ACC Executive Coach, and an IEA Accredited Enneagram Professional who helps entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders discover and live out their best REALIFE! She has worked with clients from all over the world to help them bring clarity to their REALIFE and joy to their REALWORK!

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Enneagram in your REALIFE Typing Guide