115: Enneagram Nurse - A Conversation with Janna Thomason, RLP Facilitator

What's the risk if you niché too narrow? Will you miss out on clients by marketing too specifically? 

Just the opposite is possible! 

This week on the podcast, I'm excited to introduce you to Janna Thomason. Janna is a BSN RN-BC and the self-proclaimed, Enneagram Nurse. She's a wife of 22 years, a mom to two amazing teens, and has been a Registered Nurse for over 21 years with a background in Critical Care, Post-Anesthesia, Informatics, and Nursing Professional Development. 

Through challenging events in her life, Janna came to some new discoveries that have opened space for her to really expand her own awareness and now her vocational nursing work to the entrepreneurial world too! 

In this episode, Janna shares, 

  • How the tool of the Enneagram has been fundamental in her growth
  • How niching down to market directly to nurses has opened new platforms to speak, facilitate workshops, and leverage community opportunities
  • How she uses Vision Boards, the REALIFE Process, and the tool of the Enneagram to impact the nursing world and beyond

Connect further with the Enneagram Nurse, Janna Thomason: 

Janna is passionate about serving nurses by helping them find mid-career/life clarity through the REALIFE Process and the tool of the Enneagram.  Loving on people, especially nurses is her passion. She believes that by learning who we are, we can live our best life, and do our best work taking care of our patients!   

Website:  www.enneagramnurse.com 

FB: https://www.facebook.com/enneagramnurse

IG: @enneagramnurse

REALIFE Process Facilitator™ Certification

If you're looking to go deeper personally in your REALIFE and have the desire to serve others and multiply your impact, check out the REALIFE Process Facilitator Certification!

We've recently rolled out some upgrades to our REALIFE Process Facilitator Certification! Instead of just ONE Certification, you'll receive DUAL Certifications–both as a REALIFE Process Facilitator™ and as an ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul Certified Practitioner. If you're looking for content to use with clients, coaching to keep your skills sharp, and community, check out our facilitator program. Click here for more information

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About Teresa McCloy:

Teresa McCloy is the creator of the REALIFE Process®, an ACC Executive Coach, and an IEA Accredited Enneagram Professional who helps entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders discover and live out their best REALIFE! She has worked with clients from all over the world to help them bring clarity to their REALIFE and joy to their REALWORK!

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