Doing What Matters Podcast

Are you ready to live from rest instead of rush? Join me each week for conversations, stories, and practical wisdom from people doing what matters in their personal and professional lives.

This is an invitation to do life differently through rhythms, routines, and practices that help us live the life God has for us.

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058: Why Each Enneagram Type Needs Retreat Days

realife retreat Jan 29, 2020

How could your Enneagram type benefit from going on retreat?

Each Enneagram type has a way of "seeing" the world and therefore approaches experiences, like retreat, in a unique way! 

Often, our authentic self gets overtaken by our adaptive behaviors. It happens slowly and we wonder why we...

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057: Why Do You Need Retreat Days?

realife retreat Jan 22, 2020

Culture teaches us to push, push, push! While productivity and work are important parts of our whole REALIFE, if we don't learn to come away for a while we end up living a very reactionary life with our hair on fire! 

Author Dallas Willard says, "If you don't come apart for a while,...

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